Tuesday, September 9, 2008



ASHA (Holy Cross) has inaugurated another new ministry called Holy Cross Youth Ministry on the 7th of September 2008. There were 28 youth presented on this occasion and Fr. Shahi, ML, CSC, the principal of Holy Cross School, Agartala offered Holy Eucharist. He encourages the youth to give their best time for the Lord. Fr. Kanikai, CSC the Administrator of the Province, gave talk to the youth about the Congregation of Holy Cross and the spirituality of Blessed Basil Moreau so as to let the youth know the ministry and the purpose of this new ministry.

The youth elected their leaders for one month and agreed to have Holy Eucharist every Sunday at ASHA. ASHA offer computer education and elementary music class for the youth on weekend and there are many who opted for computer learning and also music.
I wish that this new venture taken by the ASHA may bear fruits and bring new hope to the youth at Agartala.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


The Holy Cross Media Ministry is a new way of serving the people og God Through media. Fr. John PKC has been appointed tehDirector of Holy Cross Media Ministry and will operate fro ASHA. He has just graduated from Asian Academy of Film and TElevision, Noida with Diplomas in Film Productin, Direction and TV Journalism and in Video Editing and Sound Recording. He also finished a erticate course in SCVM(Social Change through Visual Media) at NISCORT-Delhi.

The vision of HOly Cross Media Ministry is to serve the people of northeast India through media and become an agent for the promotion and building of peace, love and unity at the fimily level, by communicating the message of lovea nd respect for one another which will promote and uphold the gospel values.
In order to ralize this vision, the following are the goals and objectives of Holy Cross Media Ministry.
1. To make Christ known and inculcate gospel values to all.
2. T ore eveangelize and strengthen the faith among the Christians.
3. To establish a peaceful and loving family life by encouraging family prayer.
4. To prepare the youth and especially the school children to face the challenges of media world.
5. To promote and develop the rich cultural heritage of the tribal in general and the talents of individuals in particular.
6. To impart media education to youth and school children.